We are preparing to host another Eco Fair and aiming to make this our biggest yet. Given the current climate (pun intended) the focus will be on how to save money whilst still being kind to the environment.
Get tips on changes you can make, share ideas or just come for a nosey. (Please note smaller stalls may not accept cards).
Stalls include:
eCO2 Solutions (bring your empty cleaning and toiletry bottles to refill)
Eco Argentum (jewellery made from recycled silver)
Seed of Play
Lisa's Eco Kitchen
Circular Clothing (preloved clothes)

🖥 Clear Community Web (recycle your unwanted tech)
Energise e-bikes
Community Garden Projects (bring seeds to swap)
La Valigetta Craft Group
Croydon Community Energy

🧸 Coulsdon C of E Primary School Bring & Buy (kids bring their unwanted toys/games/books to swap)
🎨 Atelier Arzu Facepainting name a few and of course there will be refreshments and the Chat Zone

Transport to the event:
By bus, 466 or 60 buses from Croydon
By train to Coulsdon Town or Coulsdon South and either take 60 bus from either Coulsdon High St (from Coulsdon Town) or Marlpit Lane (from Coulsdon South) or it's a healthy steep uphill walk for 1 mile.
By train to Coulsdon Town or Coulsdon South and either take 60 bus from either Coulsdon High St (from Coulsdon Town) or Marlpit Lane (from Coulsdon South) or it's a healthy steep uphill walk for 1 mile.
If you are able to volunteer at the event for all or part of the time, please message us.